A minimally viable blog about Linux, food, dogs, art, society, and ethics with occasional profanity.

Site Update - 20201-01-02

blog site technical design

The overhauled site is a lot nicer to read than the green on black under most conditions so I went ahead and merged changes in from the branch where I was doing that work to get those features in place this morning instead of waiting for the rest of the features from the current sprint. Yes, I am the kind of boring person who actually thinks sprints are a pretty good way of figuring out what you want to be doing for a couple of weeks. So, I moved to w3c named colors that are a little bit easier to old eyes, Inconsolata, my favorite monospaced font, everywhere (that may change, but it may not too. I like Inconsolata.), and a slightly improved interface. Lots left to do, but more of the stuff underneath is my own work instead of borrowed. For the rest of today I’m planning a refresher on golang and then some planning for the CV section of the site.