A minimally viable blog about Linux, food, dogs, art, society, and ethics with occasional profanity.


golang foss social

Don’t you love it when you think of something, go to look for it and it’s right there, and its exactly what you were wanting? I LOVE that. I just thought, “Hey, I wonder if you can parse golang in a notebook?” and as if by search engine, there appeared before me a project that does precisely that.

Aside: you can probably draw a pretty strong corellation between the health of an open source development community and the readiness with which an itch like this can be scratched. If it doesn’t seem all that unusual of a thing to want to do and there isn’t either active development on it or something that is being well maintained, that’s not a good sign. I’m going to take this as a very good sign in that it introduced me to not only gophernotes, but the entire gopherdata community’s existence as well.