A minimally viable blog about Linux, food, dogs, art, society, and ethics with occasional profanity.

blog crypto technology politics ethics
Hi. I know you’re not a bad person. I also know you’re probably wondering by now why I haven’t said boo about your suggestion that I look at coming over to your crypto company since I don’t have a job yet. I feel like I owe you an explanation (fair warning, you’re probably not going to like it) and I respect you, so I’m not going to mollycoddle you. I’m not interested in working in crypto because I think the entire industry is fundamentally ethically bankrupt.

golang dogs El Señor Mantequillas conamp blog
So, I got it in my head that I wanted a terminal-based music player the other day so I went looking for one. I found one that looked very promising, goPlayer, but it had problems and the author had abandoned the work at some point in the past. So, being me, I forked it, and then I fixed it. And now I think I’m going to maintain and extend it. So, if you like the look of that and want a version that will actually build (and has been updated to use go modules, etc), feel free to clone my fork.

health weight-loss yay bio
I know I was planning on talking about forgiveness but it’s taking me longer than I wanted to get the research together (I mean, I’m trying to get a job at the same time, y’know?) and I’m going to go ahead and keep posting because posting is good. Today, as it happens, I have something pretty good to post about. It’s going to require some back story in order to have an appreciable context.

philosophy blog politics ethics
Just going to drop a word of advice along with Ahnold (who knows whereof he speaks): There’s no shame in being wrong. There’s no shame in having been wrong. But knowing you’re wrong and persisting in what you’re doing in spite of that? That’s shameful. That’s how evil happens in your life. Right now a lot of people want to tell you that you should be angry about Trump. They’re almost right.

america politics
Yesterday the President of the United States incited a mob of his supporters whom he had encouraged to come to the District of Columbia (both in statements in his public appearances and via social media) to storm the Capitol and attempt to raise an insurrection against the lawful government of the United States. He has committed every possible offense against his high office and he must be removed from it. Now, I’m not new in coming to this opinion.

politics trust business daily blog
No site changes today. I’m still trying to process the fact that the president tried to solicit the secretary of state of Georgia to commit election fraud. People who aren’t taking a stand about this need to consider what that is going to do to their credibility over the long run. It’s no longer about your politics. It’s about whether or not you are willing to stand up for what you claim to believe in.

golang bookmarks programming technical reading
Well, I found it interesting at any rate. You’ll have seen earlier where I was very excited about Gophernotes. I am going to say as of this writing that the excitement in question was justified. Very well justified. Install was easy (I actually tested the install in both jupyter lab and nteract. They both work, although I think Jupyter works a touch better). I’m working on making sure that importing the notebooks to the blog will work the way I think it will (I may need to do a little tinkering, but hey, maybe I’ll manage to send somebody a pull request out of it) and I’ll be demonstrating what you can do with it in a notebook context.

golang foss social
Don’t you love it when you think of something, go to look for it and it’s right there, and its exactly what you were wanting? I LOVE that. I just thought, “Hey, I wonder if you can parse golang in a notebook?” and as if by search engine, there appeared before me a project that does precisely that. Aside: you can probably draw a pretty strong corellation between the health of an open source development community and the readiness with which an itch like this can be scratched.

blog site technical design
The overhauled site is a lot nicer to read than the green on black under most conditions so I went ahead and merged changes in from the branch where I was doing that work to get those features in place this morning instead of waiting for the rest of the features from the current sprint. Yes, I am the kind of boring person who actually thinks sprints are a pretty good way of figuring out what you want to be doing for a couple of weeks.

technical hugo golang site sublime git
I said initially that it was my intention that I would talk about the process of building this website, if for no other reason that it helps me to get my own thoughts in order to write them down like this and it’s a good habit to form for keeping intellectually engaged in a piece of work. I’ve blogged before for other reasons and it seems to me that this is as good a one as any.
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